Saturday, July 30, 2011

Can You Spare Some Change?

Now Playing: "Keep Your Head Up" by Andy Grammer

Whoops?! I don't know what to say. It's been a very busy month, working my two jobs, having one day off a week (or this week where I work 10 days in a row), and just trying to keep myself busy.

You'd think with me working so much, I'd have this bank account with hundreds of dollars that I could continue to use to save for bringing my car to school (the Jetta and I begin road trips in August!). At my job at Bass, I get a pay stub, $8.33 an hour, and about 12 hours a week. I average about $75.00 a week paycheck-wise. My second job at Pier 1, I do not get a pay stub, I make $8.50 an hour, and get about 12 hours a week. There, I average about $100.00 a week. Thank God I do not get a pay stub, so my checkbook is balanced to my Bass paychecks. And with gas prices rising, and Moose's semi-emergancy vet trip that cost me $100 (aka over a week's worth of work), I feel like I can't keep up. I use to shop all the time, now I don't. I got a few things for my dorm room, decorations and such, and spent under $30.00. That's my shopping spree for the month...I just get so frustrated with the lack of money in my account.

This summer I also learned something: my state sucks. All summer, all I have wanted to do was to be with my friends from school. To stop being so lonely all the time. I'm 19, the last thing I should be doing is sitting at home if I'm not working. I have been working on my weight, ten pounds lost so far, so I am hoping that by losing weight it will help me, I guess, "get out more." As cliched as that sounds...

I have so many pet peeves lately. All driving-related. First, tailgaters. My car does not have a bumper sticker that says, "please follow me as closely as you can." And just 'cause there's a couple hundred feet between you and I on the highway, doesn't give you a reason to go 85 to catch up with me. To relate to this, if you have to be on your breaks every two seconds, you might be following too closely. You just might. Second, get on your lane! I have learned to not try to pass a car or line up with one while the highway lanes are curving. Why? Because it seems like no one can see those little white dotted lines, which make me have to move over, and almost go to the other lane, if necessary. And my third pet peeve? All tractor trailers need to be off the road when I am driving. They definitely take up too much room, and just when I decide to attempt to pass them, they come too close for comfort. Secretly, I am nervous to drive to school. I haven't done it for a few months, so I will be rusty. But for some reason, I am never nervous to drive there, but get nervous driving thirty minutes away. Something's wrong there in that logic.

Other than that, this has been a pretty boring summer. And there's less than a month left before I am back studying my ass off all day and going out at night. But honestly, I can't wait. I finally found where I belong, my group of friends, and it's two hours away from where I grew up.

Have a good rest of the summer! I'm going to go look up the cost of books for first semester.