Thursday, February 3, 2011

iCan't Wait!

Now Playing: "Fallin'" by Asher Roth

Since 2007, when I saw my first iPhone in Janelle O's hands, I wanted it. I have become obsessed. Trying to get my hands on it since. Verizon announced it was getting the world's most amazing phone in February 10, 2010. But I couldn't risk not getting it, especially with my Blackberry battery almost dead and me being two and a half hours away from home. But did I expect my parents to preorder me a 32GB iPhone this morning? No. Even though I am paying for it, I did not expect them to go above and beyond. The news totally made my day, and when I go home on the 11th, I get to hold that phone in my hands.

So how does a girl show her parents she appreciates such a nice task? By making a thank you card and mailing it without telling her parents. :) I can't wait to get that text from my mom saying she got the card! It should be there by Saturday.

School is going well. We have gotten so much snow, that we had two snow days this week and yesterday I did homework assignments that weren't due for a few days - aka 6 hours of homework. And after this amazing blog post, what else am I going to do? Do homework, take a shower, and watch me some Jersey Shore...

I can't believe it's almost the weekend. Now, if only the snow would stop so I could find something to do!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome youre getting the iPhone! You should let me know how it works for you! :)
