Saturday, January 22, 2011

Homework is a Hassle

Now Playing: Nothing :(

Classes started on Wednesday, and on Thursday we had a snow day. I was so excited to go back to school, see my friends, walk on campus, and get back into a routine as I was a little lazy over break. But what I didn't realize about going back to school was the homework load that I would receive. For just one class, I have to outline a chapter of over thirty pages and write a small paper. But I have been struggling just to do the outline  because some parts are important, and some aren't. But to discover what is important, I have to read all these pages.

It's freezing outside, so I've been in the room all day. Exhausted from lack of sleep. I haven't been sleeping well lately. It takes me forever to fall asleep and then I wake up throughout the night. I also haven't been feeling so great, either. This morning, I'll admit it, I just woke up and cried. I wanted to go home, back to sleeping in my bed; being able to sleep well; and be with my family. I have pictures on my wall now of my parents, my brother, a cousin, and my friends. I just appreciate so much more being at school.

Well, I have to go back to outlining my stuff. Tonight I'm just staying in after a crazy night last night.


  1. Homework loads get intense too fast. It's so hard staying on top of things! I hope everything goes well for you and that you don't start falling behind. Good luck with that outline... sounds like fun. ;) If it helps, I have midterms coming up so it's going to be nonstop cramming this week.

  2. I can relate on homework. It's been all reading really, but I have to take notes and make outlines so I remember what I read the next day. It sucks and it's time and energy consuming. But hopefully, everything works out and calms down for you
