Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cute, Fluffy Kittens

Now Playing: "What the Hell" by Avril Lavigne 

Have you ever had a bad day where that just everything seemed to be going wrong? That's what I had. And multiply it times a thousand, pretty please. Let me give you a brief recap of what happened: I experienced my first time getting yelled at by a customer. This woman came up to me and asked me if we had shoes in the back, so I went to check. When I came out, the phone started to ring, so I had to grab it. Then, that was the time we had like five or six transactions at once. Once I got a break, she immediately came up to me and asked if I was going to tell her whether or not we had those shoes. I told her I got busy and was sorry and she had an attitude the whole time. After that, I went to down the box compactor and the boxes were all messed up from other people in the plaza. I spent ten minutes or so trying to fix it; but with it being in the low 20's, it was so cold. So, I put my boxes in and was about to leave when a store manager from another store came to me and lectured me how to properly fix the compactor (she did what I did, guess she just got lucky) and then had me help her. After, an elderly woman came into the store complaining she fell. So I went to tell the person whose store she fell in front of, and the store owner and I found where the drip was coming from and once we figured out how to get rid of it, I turned to leave and fell on my back. My wrists are killing me...just sprained. And then I kept messing up at work. I was so embarrassed.

In July, I had to put my two-year-old cat, Beaux, to sleep. I used to hate cats, and for some reason, I fell in love with them after meeting Beaux when he was like three weeks old. Beaux never scratched up furniture, bit, or clawed at you. He was such a perfect cat: and got along great with our dogs. I have wanted a kitten since he passed, but my parents already take care of my puppy, Moose. I am subscribed to a lot of beauty gurus on YouTube and Elle, one of them, uploaded a video introducing her new kitten.  (You can watch the video, here.) This video almost brought me to tears - and inspired me to get a kitten once I graduate college and get a place of my own for Moose and I.

Everything else is going okay. I move back to college on Monday, because of a storm where I live is getting on Tuesday. So instead of me sleeping in the building alone, my friend, who lives 30 minutes away, is picking me up and I'm going to spend the night at her house. I'm so excited! It's crazy that the second semester of my freshman year of college is here. I plan to do better in classes, work out, and find a job. So much to do - I hope it doesn't add too much stress!

Talk to you all soon!

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