Sunday, March 13, 2011

What is Art?

Now Playing: "Got Money" by Lil Wayne feat. T-Pain

So Spring Break started for me on Friday! It is so nice to have a really relaxing break. The only homework I had was to do my four paged paper on a painting I observed at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. I thought it was going to be so hard - four pages on a painting? But it was so easy. And it made me really realized that I really appreciated that field trip. To put terms with certain things I saw in paintings was wicked helpful and made me fell "smart." But it leaves me wondering, what is art? We saw a lot of abstract paintings, pottery, even a bed! It makes me really wonder, is art really just a landscape on a canvas or is it something more?

So the RA thing - epic failure. I do not know a single person who was rejected like I was: on my face, outside the rain, $400 Coach glasses broken. It was awful. I got the letter with my best friend, Nikki, who got the job. I literally cried and started to walk away. I made sure though that Nikki knew I was happy for her and that she should do it. Of course, as I am leaving the woman who interviewed me was there and I am wiping my tears. Awkward. I felt like a failure and a loser. It was really hard for me to get over it, but I did.

Other than that, my Spring Break is going to be very mellow. I decided a plan of action for this summer: two jobs. I might start looking around this week, though I don't know what jobs are even looking for summer hire. It might be good to see what is out there. I want to work somewhere where I can wear my dresses and skirts because I can't handle not wearing skirts and dresses all the time (at Bass I can wear like jean capris). Gotta look around.

There's a lot going on. I did my FAFSA for financial aid next year. It always stresses me out - I think we do it wrong each year. Thankfully, my school requires a certain form in which they double check the information to see how it works. I also applied for a work study. We'll see. Money is key!

Grades are pretty good. I have all B's and then a C- because I have only had one test in European History (which I studied until 1:30AM for!) and got a C- on it. It's just determination to do better!

I'm gonna end the night with catching up on some YouTube videos and some online shopping. Nothing wrong with just looking! :)

1 comment:

  1. Lucky, I still have a week to go before my spring break... Enjoy! And that sounds like a really fun field trip, minus the paper! I LOVE art in general and especially museums.

    I'm sorry about the RA position. :( But I'm really proud you were able to pick yourself back up, just keep trying! (And you KNOW you're not a failure since you've gotten jobs before, so it was clearly their fault and not yours.)

    Two jobs actually sounds like a good idea to me! I'm definitely going to try to get a couple, just so I can be busy and make some money to pay for tuition. Financial aid is really stressful and I hate how money plays such a big role in everything...
