Monday, May 30, 2011

Sizzilin' Hot

Now Playing: "Someone Like You" by Adele

Hello ladies! Wow, it's been a while. I feel like that is something I always start a blog post off with.  But, this is two posts in the month of May - that's a start, right?

So at first, my summer was so boring. I only worked three days a week. I needed more, so I went with my friend Nikki and we decided to go job hunting. After 14 applications, I found a job at Pier One Imports in less than a week! So now, I am working six days a week and making some more least that's the plan. Now, my summer won't be as boring. I'm the type of person that cannot just sit at home all day. I feel the need to be active at all times.

As a result of making all this money that I am predicting to, I am also saving. Today, I found the cutest shirt at Old Navy, and even though it was on sale, I put it back and walked out of the store. I feel like I'm living in the Confessions of a Shopaholic movie! :) I did purchase a few things but spent under $30 today so I feel really accomplished. Baby steps, right?

I don't know if I mentioned this, but I am in the process of redoing my room. In fact, I'm almost done! I need to just find the perfect comforter (the Damsak theme is my fave!) and curtains and I will be all set. But I can't find a colored one, just a black one or a baby pink (and that's the color of my walls). I've been hunting all over and just can't find one.

Today is Memorial Day and it is so hot outside! It is 87, but with the humidity, it feels more hot. It's one of those days where you sit in you room with the air conditioning because it is the coolest place in the house...that explains my day in a nutshell.

Well, it's off to going missing for a few more weeks. I'll talk to you all soon!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Summer 2011, Baby!

On Friday, I began summer vacation! It's nice to be on break. These past few weeks became so stressful, with lack of sleep and drama, that it's nice to be able now to relax for almost four months.

Reflecting on my college experience makes me realize how far I have come. I used to be that girl that would know you're talking about me, but never confront you. I'm not afraid to stand up for myself now. I have learned how to study and get really good grades (all A's and B's now!) and learn how to take advantage of the offers around me. And, that getting a tutor doesn't mean you're failing or dumb, but just want help.

At first, I hated my school. It's 2 hours away and I was homesick. Now, I have left with a solid group of friends, a handful of nicknames, and so many personal connections with various professors. I know now that I picked the right school for me as a person and learner, regardless of it's $44,000 a year price tag.

I have quite a few goals this summer for myself. First, I want to use the exercise bike we have more often that I do. I want to add things to my room (like this jewelry hanger for my Tiffany's and Pandora bracelets and necklace). I also need to keep myself busy by getting a second job. I want to read more and light my candle (candles are so soothing!) more often.

I'm going to have a restful week then go back to Massachusetts for taking an MTEL and then coming back and it's work and the job hunt! It's going to be a long summer. This is something I need.

Talk to you ladies soon!