Thursday, November 24, 2011

Claps for the Holidays!

Now Playing: "Let it Snow" by Dean Martin

It's that time of year again! What is it about Thanksgiving and Christmastime that gives the air a calm feel, a happiness in a person's step, and a unification amongst people that usually would not speak? I love this time of year!

Thanksgiving was pretty much over for me by five pm today. I was so anxious for it to be tomorrow, Friday, so anything Christmas is more socially acceptable. But, I just couldn't wait. I've been around Christmas stuff since October at Pier 1, so it's about time that it actually makes sense! I came home, got out my new Holiday slippers (thanks Bath and Body Works!), changed my candle holder to one of a snowman/snowflake/Christmas tree combination, changed my iPhone backgrounds (who doesn't like the Tiffany & Co. tree?!), and am listening to Christmas music, courtesy of Pandora.

College is going well, I'm just waiting for the finals to come. These next two weeks or so are going to go by so slow. If I am correct, my last final is Thursday, December 15. Therefore, Christmas break starts in just a few weeks for me! I have plenty to keep me busy until then: an Ethics paper, a much-needed trip to Boston to see the lights, studying, Christmas movies to watch, a weekend of celebrating one of my best friend's birthday, and the Drake concert next weekend.

One thing I hate about with being away from home during this time, is I feel like I skip the whole Holiday season. I'm home until Sunday, then leave for three weeks, with a few Christmas carols to sing, peppermint hot chocolates to drink, some Christmas lights in my room to see, and a present exchange amongst friends. But when I am home, I have the tree, the house full of decorations, and the smell of Christmas in the air. I guess it's good that my laptop's background has changed for the first time in months...anything to get me in the spirit, huh?

Otherwise, I am still doing Weight Watchers. I have now brought my total weight loss to 39.5 pounds! I can't believe, honestly. My goal? To be on a Weight Watchers commercial! How cool would that be? I have plenty of weight to lose until then, but I figure, how could they turn down someone who has lost over 100 pounds on their program? My family and I were talking about my weight loss today. My grandma claims I am losing weight because she made a special prayer for me to lose weight. My other grandma doesn't believe that. But, I don't remember just waking up and saying, "I'm going to start losing weight today." I feel as if it was a more gradual change, like eating healthier and then starting to add exercise to my "diet." And then I added Weight Watchers.

I'm really thankful for Weight Watchers. I needed a really strict regimen, even though I don't feel as if I am missing out on anything. Today for Thanksgiving meal, I had a little bit of turkey, a little bit of gravy, half a sweet potato, carrots, and asparagus. I skipped the stuffing, the mashed potatoes, and the jello mold, and had a small slice of apple pie instead. I feel wicked proud of myself! I'm not letting the holidays distract me, especially when I have this amazing gym at school!

Wow...I don't think I have ever written a longer blog entry in my life. If you read all that, half of that, or even a quarter of that, thank you!

Happy Holidays to you all! Talk to you next month!

1 comment:

  1. That's great on your weight loss so far love! I'm proud of you, and admire your commitment to Weight Watchers (I have commitment issues when it comes to getting into shape and losing weight :P )

    I LOVE Christmas time. I did start a little early on listening to Christmas music and shopping, but I didn't go crazy about it the way stores do these days.

    Happy Holidays!
