Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's That End of the Year Grind...

Now Playing: "Yeah 3X" by Chris Brown

You know how at the end of the year teachers pile on homework, tests, and projects to add in everything they planned to for the semester? Yeah, it's about that time for me! It's really only for one class, though. Educational Psychology (Ed Psych) has got me stressing. I think it's the teacher's work in general, but by tripling it for the weekend is going to make me go insane! This is a weekend I am supposed to enjoy because it's Easter weekend - I am seeing one of my best friends for the first time in over a month and seeing family that I haven't seen since Christmas. But to add all the homework I have gotten will really ruin the mood.

I recently bought the Clinique 3-Step System. I am praying that it works well and helps me with the little acne I have.

If you are a makeup freak like myself, you will really appreciate this website: It's run by Elle and Blair from YouTube and it's such a great place! I love talking about the fashion, makeup, beauty, and random aspects of life on there. I found myself getting very distracted by that website...I'm always looking for fun new websites to find to interact and learn things!

Sadly, Spring is NOT here. It's 50 outside, cold, windy, and rainy most of the days. And what's worst, it's not just a Boston thing. It is happening at home too. I just wanna wear my new skirt and tribal dress! Mother Nature needs to hurry up. By this time last year, I was wearing at least capris...I'm lucky if I can get away with flip flops!

Well, that's all for now. I'll probably won't write again until May. Summer starts for me May 6, so I will be writing more then.


  1. Hopefully the end of the school year turns out well for you, I still have over a month and a half left so I can't believe it's already that time for you! The work load in college is insane, definitely tough to handle.

    And that sucks about it not feeling like spring yet. It's been super cloudy the past couple of weeks in California, kind of sucks since I'm dying to start wearing shorts again... Hopefully it warms up for the both of us!

  2. Oh, your summer is starting early! A little jealous, heh.

    Our springs sound similar. It's been so rainy, but it's also been really warm here. Someone I'm friends with on Facebook posted the other day, "If April showers bring May flowers, then I better see a lot of flowers next month!"

    Enjoy your last week or so of school. =)
