Thursday, November 24, 2011

Claps for the Holidays!

Now Playing: "Let it Snow" by Dean Martin

It's that time of year again! What is it about Thanksgiving and Christmastime that gives the air a calm feel, a happiness in a person's step, and a unification amongst people that usually would not speak? I love this time of year!

Thanksgiving was pretty much over for me by five pm today. I was so anxious for it to be tomorrow, Friday, so anything Christmas is more socially acceptable. But, I just couldn't wait. I've been around Christmas stuff since October at Pier 1, so it's about time that it actually makes sense! I came home, got out my new Holiday slippers (thanks Bath and Body Works!), changed my candle holder to one of a snowman/snowflake/Christmas tree combination, changed my iPhone backgrounds (who doesn't like the Tiffany & Co. tree?!), and am listening to Christmas music, courtesy of Pandora.

College is going well, I'm just waiting for the finals to come. These next two weeks or so are going to go by so slow. If I am correct, my last final is Thursday, December 15. Therefore, Christmas break starts in just a few weeks for me! I have plenty to keep me busy until then: an Ethics paper, a much-needed trip to Boston to see the lights, studying, Christmas movies to watch, a weekend of celebrating one of my best friend's birthday, and the Drake concert next weekend.

One thing I hate about with being away from home during this time, is I feel like I skip the whole Holiday season. I'm home until Sunday, then leave for three weeks, with a few Christmas carols to sing, peppermint hot chocolates to drink, some Christmas lights in my room to see, and a present exchange amongst friends. But when I am home, I have the tree, the house full of decorations, and the smell of Christmas in the air. I guess it's good that my laptop's background has changed for the first time in months...anything to get me in the spirit, huh?

Otherwise, I am still doing Weight Watchers. I have now brought my total weight loss to 39.5 pounds! I can't believe, honestly. My goal? To be on a Weight Watchers commercial! How cool would that be? I have plenty of weight to lose until then, but I figure, how could they turn down someone who has lost over 100 pounds on their program? My family and I were talking about my weight loss today. My grandma claims I am losing weight because she made a special prayer for me to lose weight. My other grandma doesn't believe that. But, I don't remember just waking up and saying, "I'm going to start losing weight today." I feel as if it was a more gradual change, like eating healthier and then starting to add exercise to my "diet." And then I added Weight Watchers.

I'm really thankful for Weight Watchers. I needed a really strict regimen, even though I don't feel as if I am missing out on anything. Today for Thanksgiving meal, I had a little bit of turkey, a little bit of gravy, half a sweet potato, carrots, and asparagus. I skipped the stuffing, the mashed potatoes, and the jello mold, and had a small slice of apple pie instead. I feel wicked proud of myself! I'm not letting the holidays distract me, especially when I have this amazing gym at school!

Wow...I don't think I have ever written a longer blog entry in my life. If you read all that, half of that, or even a quarter of that, thank you!

Happy Holidays to you all! Talk to you next month!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Weight Loss Blog? and Update

Now Playing: "Headlines" by Drake

So before I went to school (I think I may have mentioned this in my last blog post...way back in July), I joined Weight Watchers.

I want to start blogging more often about Weight Watchers and my so far 30.5 pound success on it, complain about my skinny friends who say they're fat, having a hard week, or whatever. But I don't know the appropriate place to do so. Do I just do it here, or create a whole blog? Let's be real here, I can barely keep up with one blog. Don't even know if two is possible for me.

Just a onto a real blog entry.

I'm a sucky blogger. A really sucky blogger. But here's what's been going on.

August: We had a hurricane with the rest of New England. It pushed back move in day (which made me sad!).

September: Classes are boring, except my Ethics and teacher class. Continue losing weight, ect.

October: Just brought the Jetta to school (I know!) and am already loving the freedom of coming home so early! I get home at 12:30 instead of 9:30 at night. I'm starting to jog on the treadmill at school and am praying that if I continue to do the elliptical, I might get a butt.

Ya'll would be so proud - I have limited my shopping so much! I never go shopping, or I go to the mall with friends and I don't buy anything. Just compared to last year, where in the first week at school I dropped $200 on a new Coach wrislet and Coach sneakers. And now I am working more often and have at least $400 in the bank.

Bath and Body Work's Creamy Pumpkin candle is literally the best creation on earth. I bought it today as apart of their 2 for $20 sale (they're originally $20 each!) and it is so much better than I expected. My room smells delicious!

I want to skip this month and have it be Thanksgiving. I love the holiday time (then again, who doesn't?!), the scents, the music, the decorations...Working at a Pier 1 as really influenced me! (We got Christmas decorations October 8th!)

Well I'm gonna go put this top coat on my nails and watch something decent on TV. Enjoy the next month without me...

P.S. I think I might change the layout to a more weather-appropriate one...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Can You Spare Some Change?

Now Playing: "Keep Your Head Up" by Andy Grammer

Whoops?! I don't know what to say. It's been a very busy month, working my two jobs, having one day off a week (or this week where I work 10 days in a row), and just trying to keep myself busy.

You'd think with me working so much, I'd have this bank account with hundreds of dollars that I could continue to use to save for bringing my car to school (the Jetta and I begin road trips in August!). At my job at Bass, I get a pay stub, $8.33 an hour, and about 12 hours a week. I average about $75.00 a week paycheck-wise. My second job at Pier 1, I do not get a pay stub, I make $8.50 an hour, and get about 12 hours a week. There, I average about $100.00 a week. Thank God I do not get a pay stub, so my checkbook is balanced to my Bass paychecks. And with gas prices rising, and Moose's semi-emergancy vet trip that cost me $100 (aka over a week's worth of work), I feel like I can't keep up. I use to shop all the time, now I don't. I got a few things for my dorm room, decorations and such, and spent under $30.00. That's my shopping spree for the month...I just get so frustrated with the lack of money in my account.

This summer I also learned something: my state sucks. All summer, all I have wanted to do was to be with my friends from school. To stop being so lonely all the time. I'm 19, the last thing I should be doing is sitting at home if I'm not working. I have been working on my weight, ten pounds lost so far, so I am hoping that by losing weight it will help me, I guess, "get out more." As cliched as that sounds...

I have so many pet peeves lately. All driving-related. First, tailgaters. My car does not have a bumper sticker that says, "please follow me as closely as you can." And just 'cause there's a couple hundred feet between you and I on the highway, doesn't give you a reason to go 85 to catch up with me. To relate to this, if you have to be on your breaks every two seconds, you might be following too closely. You just might. Second, get on your lane! I have learned to not try to pass a car or line up with one while the highway lanes are curving. Why? Because it seems like no one can see those little white dotted lines, which make me have to move over, and almost go to the other lane, if necessary. And my third pet peeve? All tractor trailers need to be off the road when I am driving. They definitely take up too much room, and just when I decide to attempt to pass them, they come too close for comfort. Secretly, I am nervous to drive to school. I haven't done it for a few months, so I will be rusty. But for some reason, I am never nervous to drive there, but get nervous driving thirty minutes away. Something's wrong there in that logic.

Other than that, this has been a pretty boring summer. And there's less than a month left before I am back studying my ass off all day and going out at night. But honestly, I can't wait. I finally found where I belong, my group of friends, and it's two hours away from where I grew up.

Have a good rest of the summer! I'm going to go look up the cost of books for first semester.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Glitter Nail Polish and PINK Duffle Bags

Now Playing: "In the Air" by Mac Miller

Hello there! Even though it's 3:30PM, I feel so accomplished with the day. I woke up at nine, fed Moose, ate breakfast, and worked out. Since we are going on our annual family vacation to the Cape this weekend and the dogs will be in a kennel, I wanted to bathe them. Moose is the only short-haired dog. I guess I was way over my head because I was used to having the whole process take about ten minutes and that he dries fast. Our other two dogs are Shelties, and with their long hair, they take longer to wash, rinse, brush, and dry. I don't even know, honestly, if I got all the shampoo out! But they look so clean and are really soft!

Today, my goal was to clean and pack. I haven't dusted my room in over a month. That's how busy I am. After working six days a week, the last thing I want to do when I come home is take an hour to clean my room. Because I don't do a basic cleaning. When I clean my room, I dust, Windex, reorganize, change my sheets, and wash my comforter. I am proud to say my room is very clean and so is my bathroom! There's something about being in a clean room, sleeping in clean sheets, and just the smell of cleaning products. I hate cleaning, but when I do it, I love the result.

I have been really into reading lately. So much that I even signed up for a Border's Rewards card. I am reading 400 page books in 3 days. But, it's either that I read so fast or I take forever for a book. But with an over three hour car ride to and back from vacation each way, down time by the pool, and trips to various parts of the Cape, I purchased three books: The Book of Tomorrow and Thanks For the Memories, both by Cecilia Ahern and The Summer of Firsts and Lasts by Terra McVoy. I have never spent $45 at a bookstore.

As I mentioned, tomorrow we are going on vacation. Of course, I have to paint my nails for the occasion! A summer trip is not complete without a fresh coat of polish on your toe and fingernails. I have  Feelin' Hot-Hot-Hot! on and then added a coat of Pink Me I'm Good, both by OPI, on them. It's fun and fresh for summer! But now I need to stop buying nail polish...

I'm going to grab a load of laundry and enjoy my Island Nectar candle from Bath & Body Works. Have a good few weeks. I'll be back soon!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sizzilin' Hot

Now Playing: "Someone Like You" by Adele

Hello ladies! Wow, it's been a while. I feel like that is something I always start a blog post off with.  But, this is two posts in the month of May - that's a start, right?

So at first, my summer was so boring. I only worked three days a week. I needed more, so I went with my friend Nikki and we decided to go job hunting. After 14 applications, I found a job at Pier One Imports in less than a week! So now, I am working six days a week and making some more least that's the plan. Now, my summer won't be as boring. I'm the type of person that cannot just sit at home all day. I feel the need to be active at all times.

As a result of making all this money that I am predicting to, I am also saving. Today, I found the cutest shirt at Old Navy, and even though it was on sale, I put it back and walked out of the store. I feel like I'm living in the Confessions of a Shopaholic movie! :) I did purchase a few things but spent under $30 today so I feel really accomplished. Baby steps, right?

I don't know if I mentioned this, but I am in the process of redoing my room. In fact, I'm almost done! I need to just find the perfect comforter (the Damsak theme is my fave!) and curtains and I will be all set. But I can't find a colored one, just a black one or a baby pink (and that's the color of my walls). I've been hunting all over and just can't find one.

Today is Memorial Day and it is so hot outside! It is 87, but with the humidity, it feels more hot. It's one of those days where you sit in you room with the air conditioning because it is the coolest place in the house...that explains my day in a nutshell.

Well, it's off to going missing for a few more weeks. I'll talk to you all soon!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Summer 2011, Baby!

On Friday, I began summer vacation! It's nice to be on break. These past few weeks became so stressful, with lack of sleep and drama, that it's nice to be able now to relax for almost four months.

Reflecting on my college experience makes me realize how far I have come. I used to be that girl that would know you're talking about me, but never confront you. I'm not afraid to stand up for myself now. I have learned how to study and get really good grades (all A's and B's now!) and learn how to take advantage of the offers around me. And, that getting a tutor doesn't mean you're failing or dumb, but just want help.

At first, I hated my school. It's 2 hours away and I was homesick. Now, I have left with a solid group of friends, a handful of nicknames, and so many personal connections with various professors. I know now that I picked the right school for me as a person and learner, regardless of it's $44,000 a year price tag.

I have quite a few goals this summer for myself. First, I want to use the exercise bike we have more often that I do. I want to add things to my room (like this jewelry hanger for my Tiffany's and Pandora bracelets and necklace). I also need to keep myself busy by getting a second job. I want to read more and light my candle (candles are so soothing!) more often.

I'm going to have a restful week then go back to Massachusetts for taking an MTEL and then coming back and it's work and the job hunt! It's going to be a long summer. This is something I need.

Talk to you ladies soon!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's That End of the Year Grind...

Now Playing: "Yeah 3X" by Chris Brown

You know how at the end of the year teachers pile on homework, tests, and projects to add in everything they planned to for the semester? Yeah, it's about that time for me! It's really only for one class, though. Educational Psychology (Ed Psych) has got me stressing. I think it's the teacher's work in general, but by tripling it for the weekend is going to make me go insane! This is a weekend I am supposed to enjoy because it's Easter weekend - I am seeing one of my best friends for the first time in over a month and seeing family that I haven't seen since Christmas. But to add all the homework I have gotten will really ruin the mood.

I recently bought the Clinique 3-Step System. I am praying that it works well and helps me with the little acne I have.

If you are a makeup freak like myself, you will really appreciate this website: It's run by Elle and Blair from YouTube and it's such a great place! I love talking about the fashion, makeup, beauty, and random aspects of life on there. I found myself getting very distracted by that website...I'm always looking for fun new websites to find to interact and learn things!

Sadly, Spring is NOT here. It's 50 outside, cold, windy, and rainy most of the days. And what's worst, it's not just a Boston thing. It is happening at home too. I just wanna wear my new skirt and tribal dress! Mother Nature needs to hurry up. By this time last year, I was wearing at least capris...I'm lucky if I can get away with flip flops!

Well, that's all for now. I'll probably won't write again until May. Summer starts for me May 6, so I will be writing more then.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Oh Hey Spring

Now Playing: "A Milli" by Lil Wayne

Spring is here! :) I got to wear a dress for the first time in forever. With it being 69 today, it was obvious a dress was my only choice. I need some new flip flops from Old Navy.

Here's my happiness because of the weather.

I went shopping yesterday and here's what I purchased:
Lil Wayne, Tha Carter 3, $19.99 - link
Drake tshirt, $16.99 - no link
Old Navy skirt, $19.50 - link
F21 flower stud earrings, $2.80 - link
F21 ivory and gold hoops, $2.80 - link
Clinique eyeshadow duo in Like Mink, $18.00 - link
Clinique eyeshadow base in Canvas, $14.50 - link

On Saturday, my mom and I are going shopping too because I need some capris, shorts, and some cute shoes. Oh I love those days.

Sadly, the weather plans to go back to "normal," and I go back to school. I enjoyed being home, but I miss school. I'll be home in a month.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What is Art?

Now Playing: "Got Money" by Lil Wayne feat. T-Pain

So Spring Break started for me on Friday! It is so nice to have a really relaxing break. The only homework I had was to do my four paged paper on a painting I observed at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. I thought it was going to be so hard - four pages on a painting? But it was so easy. And it made me really realized that I really appreciated that field trip. To put terms with certain things I saw in paintings was wicked helpful and made me fell "smart." But it leaves me wondering, what is art? We saw a lot of abstract paintings, pottery, even a bed! It makes me really wonder, is art really just a landscape on a canvas or is it something more?

So the RA thing - epic failure. I do not know a single person who was rejected like I was: on my face, outside the rain, $400 Coach glasses broken. It was awful. I got the letter with my best friend, Nikki, who got the job. I literally cried and started to walk away. I made sure though that Nikki knew I was happy for her and that she should do it. Of course, as I am leaving the woman who interviewed me was there and I am wiping my tears. Awkward. I felt like a failure and a loser. It was really hard for me to get over it, but I did.

Other than that, my Spring Break is going to be very mellow. I decided a plan of action for this summer: two jobs. I might start looking around this week, though I don't know what jobs are even looking for summer hire. It might be good to see what is out there. I want to work somewhere where I can wear my dresses and skirts because I can't handle not wearing skirts and dresses all the time (at Bass I can wear like jean capris). Gotta look around.

There's a lot going on. I did my FAFSA for financial aid next year. It always stresses me out - I think we do it wrong each year. Thankfully, my school requires a certain form in which they double check the information to see how it works. I also applied for a work study. We'll see. Money is key!

Grades are pretty good. I have all B's and then a C- because I have only had one test in European History (which I studied until 1:30AM for!) and got a C- on it. It's just determination to do better!

I'm gonna end the night with catching up on some YouTube videos and some online shopping. Nothing wrong with just looking! :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring Fever

Now Playing: "You're the Reason I Come Home" by Ron Pope

Recently, I disocvered this singer named Ron Pope (hence the "now playing" above). He is completely different than what I typically listen to - Drake, Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa, or even Waka Flocka Flame - intense rap like that (yes, you guys can gag right here if you please). But for some reason, his music just is amazing. I don't know if it's because it's so different or what - but I love it. I purchased his first album on iTunes last night after listening to it on YouTube for a while. He has two more which I will be buying soon.

School is alright. I mean, what can I say? I love college, but the workload sometimes is getting to me. Personally, it's getting more managble. On top of six classes, I am seeing a tutor, a member of two clubs, having a decent social life, and am in the process of becoming an RA for next year. :( I don't want to be an RA, really. I don't know how I am going to be able to handle it, but it will be so much easier finacially. I decided to apply and if I get accepted to take it from there. We'll see.

I'm doing some online shopping now. Looking up for the perfect gray/green nailpolish to use to go from winter to spring season, and looking at my nail polish collection, it is all pinks and reds. I want to add some color in there, like Tiffany's blue and light mint...colors like that. I'm working on taking better care of my face (hello green mask!) and nails (Burt Bee's cuticle cream).

The stores are bringing in lots of spring items. My all time favorite store for dresses is Old Navy. They come in so many styles and colors that I have a few colors in just one style. I noticed that their price went up just a little bit, sadly. But one thing I love about spring is putting on a cute dress or skirt and a nice pair of sandals and just rockin' it. Click here to see the dress I bought (except I bought it in white). I'm going to pair it with a colbalt blue cardigan that goes just above the waist and is 3/4 length sleeved and some black sandals from work for Easter.

Anyways, after some online shopping - here's a list of things I want to buy...after I start working again. I need to work so badly! And I decided to look for a second job this summer. Having no social life might have to be something I sacrifice to make more money. I just, well, I'm a little picky where I work. I like to work in retail - and I already have ideas in mind. I think during spring break (three weeks, baby!) I am going to look around.

Cross-Front Babydoll Dress in Pink Print, Old Navy - link
Printed Tiered Skirt in Black Floral, Old Navy - link
Eyelet Skirt in Bright White and Halo Gold Yellow, Old Navy - link
Breathe Life Nail Polish, OPI
Dating a Royal Nail Polish, OPI

Thursday, February 3, 2011

iCan't Wait!

Now Playing: "Fallin'" by Asher Roth

Since 2007, when I saw my first iPhone in Janelle O's hands, I wanted it. I have become obsessed. Trying to get my hands on it since. Verizon announced it was getting the world's most amazing phone in February 10, 2010. But I couldn't risk not getting it, especially with my Blackberry battery almost dead and me being two and a half hours away from home. But did I expect my parents to preorder me a 32GB iPhone this morning? No. Even though I am paying for it, I did not expect them to go above and beyond. The news totally made my day, and when I go home on the 11th, I get to hold that phone in my hands.

So how does a girl show her parents she appreciates such a nice task? By making a thank you card and mailing it without telling her parents. :) I can't wait to get that text from my mom saying she got the card! It should be there by Saturday.

School is going well. We have gotten so much snow, that we had two snow days this week and yesterday I did homework assignments that weren't due for a few days - aka 6 hours of homework. And after this amazing blog post, what else am I going to do? Do homework, take a shower, and watch me some Jersey Shore...

I can't believe it's almost the weekend. Now, if only the snow would stop so I could find something to do!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Homework is a Hassle

Now Playing: Nothing :(

Classes started on Wednesday, and on Thursday we had a snow day. I was so excited to go back to school, see my friends, walk on campus, and get back into a routine as I was a little lazy over break. But what I didn't realize about going back to school was the homework load that I would receive. For just one class, I have to outline a chapter of over thirty pages and write a small paper. But I have been struggling just to do the outline  because some parts are important, and some aren't. But to discover what is important, I have to read all these pages.

It's freezing outside, so I've been in the room all day. Exhausted from lack of sleep. I haven't been sleeping well lately. It takes me forever to fall asleep and then I wake up throughout the night. I also haven't been feeling so great, either. This morning, I'll admit it, I just woke up and cried. I wanted to go home, back to sleeping in my bed; being able to sleep well; and be with my family. I have pictures on my wall now of my parents, my brother, a cousin, and my friends. I just appreciate so much more being at school.

Well, I have to go back to outlining my stuff. Tonight I'm just staying in after a crazy night last night.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cute, Fluffy Kittens

Now Playing: "What the Hell" by Avril Lavigne 

Have you ever had a bad day where that just everything seemed to be going wrong? That's what I had. And multiply it times a thousand, pretty please. Let me give you a brief recap of what happened: I experienced my first time getting yelled at by a customer. This woman came up to me and asked me if we had shoes in the back, so I went to check. When I came out, the phone started to ring, so I had to grab it. Then, that was the time we had like five or six transactions at once. Once I got a break, she immediately came up to me and asked if I was going to tell her whether or not we had those shoes. I told her I got busy and was sorry and she had an attitude the whole time. After that, I went to down the box compactor and the boxes were all messed up from other people in the plaza. I spent ten minutes or so trying to fix it; but with it being in the low 20's, it was so cold. So, I put my boxes in and was about to leave when a store manager from another store came to me and lectured me how to properly fix the compactor (she did what I did, guess she just got lucky) and then had me help her. After, an elderly woman came into the store complaining she fell. So I went to tell the person whose store she fell in front of, and the store owner and I found where the drip was coming from and once we figured out how to get rid of it, I turned to leave and fell on my back. My wrists are killing me...just sprained. And then I kept messing up at work. I was so embarrassed.

In July, I had to put my two-year-old cat, Beaux, to sleep. I used to hate cats, and for some reason, I fell in love with them after meeting Beaux when he was like three weeks old. Beaux never scratched up furniture, bit, or clawed at you. He was such a perfect cat: and got along great with our dogs. I have wanted a kitten since he passed, but my parents already take care of my puppy, Moose. I am subscribed to a lot of beauty gurus on YouTube and Elle, one of them, uploaded a video introducing her new kitten.  (You can watch the video, here.) This video almost brought me to tears - and inspired me to get a kitten once I graduate college and get a place of my own for Moose and I.

Everything else is going okay. I move back to college on Monday, because of a storm where I live is getting on Tuesday. So instead of me sleeping in the building alone, my friend, who lives 30 minutes away, is picking me up and I'm going to spend the night at her house. I'm so excited! It's crazy that the second semester of my freshman year of college is here. I plan to do better in classes, work out, and find a job. So much to do - I hope it doesn't add too much stress!

Talk to you all soon!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I Hate Labeling Blog Entires...

Now Playing: "Outta Your Mind" by Lil john & LMFAO

Why, hello there! :) I deleted my other blog. It just had so much negativity, and I didn't want to be surrounded by that anymore. Amy and I tried to brainstorm a while ago on names...and it was an epic fail. Today, I was thinking about my favorite things. Starbucks and Coach are on my top of that list. So, it fits...for now.

I hope everyone's Christmas went well! I got so many nice things, and then my nineteenth birthday was a week and a half later (on the third), so I got more nice things then. Now, I'm just focusing on getting back to school. I just ordered books for next semester and the total was $560.00. I have to get new binders and stuff, nothing too exciting.

What were ya'll's New Years Resolutions? Mine were to lose weight and save my money. How cliched are those? I actually overdrew on my account. It was just $5.00, thank God. But it was just a bummer. I've been trying to get a few more hours at work and save my money. Before I go to school I have to get a new OPI base and top coat, and three makeup items from Clinique. I'm going to wait until the 16th or 17th to get those, to make sure I have the most money I can. I also decided to get a job at school, if I can find a decent one. Being so close to Boston, the girls on my floor and I have a plan to go more frequently than we did first semester. We need to go exploring! As I'm sure ya'll think, Boston is so expensive. So I need the money. (Plus there's so many cute boutiques and designer stores there!)

Last night, my friend texted me about the iPhone coming to Verizon. She works at Best Buy, and her boss went to a last-minute conference held by Verizon. They announced that they are getting the iPhone! And they are releasing more details on Tuesday. I already told my parents. I have wanted an iPhone since they came out, but with my family and I having Verizon, it wasn't really possible. I guess good things do come to those who wait!

This break I have been surrounding myself with books. I read Dear John and Sugar and Spice: A L.A. Candy Novel. Now, I'm reading The Last Song. I really like reading. When it's late on a snowy evening and my candle is burning - it's perfect. I want to try reading a lot more, too.

I have lots to do this week! So I'll talk to you all soon.